Motherhood in Quarantine – Molly Hicks – Cedartown Georgia

Well, hello!

 I’m Molly Hicks, from Cedartown, Georgia. I am 23 years old and I have three children. My first child is a little girl named Joanna Sali and she is 2, and my second and third are twin boys named Seals and Harrison (both 9 months old). I am Married for going on 4 years now to the love of my life, Bryce Hicks. We live in the rural area of Georgia in our 2 bedroom home. We also have two outside dogs named Charlie and Trunk. When Kayla asked me to write to you all I was nervous. I love to write but I kind of lack in spelling and grammar. But, here I am!  Life has been “cramped” lately for reasons I am SURE you all are aware of : the big “C” word, of course.

We live in Cedartown Georgia which is like those towns you may see in Napoleon Dynamite (I was dying to make that reference). It’s small and everyone is so bored they may pull people on skates behind their bikes, or in our case ride unicycles. My husband has moved around a little but I have been here my entire life. I grew up twenty minutes from town in the country so I am used to finding things to do when there is nothing to do, so, the quarantine isn’t too hard on me yet.


Thankfully, we are blessed to have fair weather in Georgia. Some days are super rainy, but I feel blessed when it rains! I love to hear and see the rain. Then the cold front hits and then suddenly it is HOT. Who am I kidding, Georgia’s weather is too fair! It wants to include every type of weather within the week!

Unfortunately the virus has kept us homebound like everyone else, except my husband who is considered an “essential worker”. He works for HC/AC and the work must go on for those guys! Since he is working, he usually braves the public for small needs 2-3 times a week, and I go out for the bigger items or hauls needed. My babies are completely isolated (except seeing family members that live next door or my parents), which does not hurt the twins- but Joanna is NO FAN. She is a social butterfly and needs outward attention.


We did have to take Joanna to the doctor once and it was kind of nerve racking, she did well there but getting her to wear the mask and realize that now isn’t the time to chit chat and run amuck is hard for her. Overall she did well, and we made it home in one piece. Upon arrival when we walked in a nurse checked both our temperatures, head up the elevator into the next floor and they check us both again! That was before ever entering the main office.  It was super strange to have MY temperature checked at HER doctor’s appointment but I am happy to oblige safety! 


I must admit at this time, my wallet has been very safe. We probably have saved a good bit of money by not eating out, getting only the essentials, learning to make do with what we have, and playing more at home with less car rides back and forth to wherever the wind may blow! Maybe, just maybe “Stay Home” will be a new trend. (doubt it) 


 So, like I said earlier my husband is an “essential worker” and honestly I am too. I am a stay at home mom, and now I literally “Stay at Home” and cannot leave, which is a VERY important job in society right now. World Isolation has changed my “job” and I’ve had to become more imaginative, and life has become more stressful, and honestly, precious. Let me explain, I have had to come up with a thousand ways to entertain a toddler and babies all day without a break. Even in the normal day to day I got a break, or would take them somewhere for a change in scenery. The stress has multiplied because, now, being stuck inside, I am being chased constantly by two ankle stomping babies in walkers. But, it has been precious. I have had a moment to sit and watch moments with my family and thoroughly enjoy every second. No outside clatter. I also have a YouTube channel, and honestly I think it has helped my channel being confined to the house. I have finally had a minute to work on the content I create and better my channel. People are able to take a moment to support us! Which I love! 


Clatter is a good way to explain the outside world at the moment. Anytime I go out I see people in masks and gloves. Even while people are in their cars driving down the road you see them wearing masks. I never thought we would see the day that a mask is a fashion statement. Some people have really cool designs! Georgia is starting to really open back up lately. Pretty much everything is back open, with a couple of minor reservations. Stores ask you to still limit necessary items, restaurants are limiting guests, and everyone else limits customers indoors or asks you to pick up only. In Cedartown there isn’t much to “do” and we do not have coffee chains, major sit down restaurants, or amusement parks. We have to travel 30-45 minutes to reach anything like that, so I would say we are kind of used to sheltering in place and finding things to do near home. 

I guess the point of this blog is to explain our place in the world, that is on pause, and ours is a small place. We are safe and healthy. We are choosing to stay put as long as possible. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you’re also in good health! I see people lending a hand to those in need, checking on people that need to be reached out to, and showing so much sympathy to those around them. I hope that’s what we take away from this time. I hope we look back and say those times changed us into more personal people!

Prayers going out daily from the Hicks in Georgia!

God bless you all!

Find Molly here on her family’s YouTube Channel!

Find Molly here on her Instagram!


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